A seamless wood texture with gendai unoiled boards arranged in a Staggered pattern

Gendai Unoiled, Staggered

90.7 in
Our Gendai products fly off the warehouse shelves fastest – it’s the most popular kind of Yakisugi we sell for house facades and a range of other exterior and interior applications. The silky smooth surface we mention above is created by lightly brushing off the charred soot layer after the firing, while leaving subtle remnants of the charring process visible. And once the coatings and pigmentation you’ve picked have been applied, the end product will help beautify almost any design and setting.

This image is a seamless wood texture with gendai unoiled arranged in a staggered pattern. Seamless textures can be tiled repeatedly across a surface without visible seams making them useful for architectural drawings and 3D models. This image can be used as a SketchUp texture, Revit material or imported into Photoshop for use in 2D illustrations. A high resolution version of this texture is available, as well as CAD hatches and PBR maps with Architextures Pro.