Photography Guidance for Source Images

Architextures uses photographs of materials and dynamically applies patterns, profiles and other visual properties to create seamless textures and 3d data for CAD applications. For the materials to look physically accurate, it’s important the source images are high quality and follow the guidance given on this page.


Take photos in bright indirect sunlight for best results. If taking photos indoors, ensure the material is well lit from multiple directions and there are no direct shadows across its surface.



Take photos perpendicular to the material so that it appears face on and the corners are at right angles. Subjects that are not straight can be adjusted in photo editing software to correct the perspective as described here.


High resolution images are required for the materials to look realistic when processed. As a general rule of thumb the image should contain at least 1 pixel for every millimetre of physical material. For example, a material that is 1 metre wide should have a source image that is at least 1000 pixels wide.

Post Processing

Colours and tone will vary when viewed on a digital monitor. Make sure you’re satisfied that the photos are an accurate representation of the material before uploading them to Architextures. If necessary, use photo editing software such as Photoshop or GIMP to adjust the appearance.